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reform church (基督教)新教。


Through the reformed church in america , my denomination , i had been provided 500 to start a new church so when i drove from chicago to california in february , i stopped in sioux city , iowa , at the music store of howard duven . i knew him because he was from my hometown in orange city , iowa and he sold organs . i said , “ howard , im going to start a church 我有一臺風琴,二月份我從芝加哥開車到加州,中途停在衣阿華,何華德的樂器行前我認識他,他跟我是同鄉,他開了一間賣風琴的店,我停在那兒,我說:華德,我要開一間新教會,我不知道會在哪里聚會,希望能找到一幢建筑物,一個地方但我有一位風琴手,我需要一臺風琴,只要有風琴風琴手和圣經,我就能成功。

A similar idea , from a christian perspective , was in the mind of janie tinklenberg in 1989 . at the time , she was a youth minister at the calvary reformed church in holland and was looking for a way to remind teenage christians of their faith on a daily basis 在1989年時,珍妮丁蔻蘭寶就已經從基督教的觀點有了這種類似的構想,那時她在荷蘭市加略山改革教會為青少年服務,她一直想找出一個方法,幫助青少年基督徒可以每天都記得基督教的教義。

There he met a missionary from our church , the reformed church in america . tena holkeboer , a wonderful woman . when she met bob pierce , she recognized him as an american and asked , “ well , what are you doing here ? 我們的教會也有位宣教士,很棒的女士天娜浩葛柏,她碰上卜皮爾,認出他是美國人,便問他說:你在這兒干甚么呀?

So i went and down , left the car , left howard hageman in there with bobby sitting in the car , when howard pulled out a pack of cigarettes , which was perfectly legal in the dutch reformed church 我把車子停在路旁,他們留在車上,留下夏博士和小安珀在車上。夏博士從口袋里抽出一包香煙,這在荷蘭更正教會是完全合法的。

Norman peale belonged to the same denomination that i do , the reformed church in america . and so , he and i became dear friends and he helped us through the early years of building this church 諾曼他跟我同屬于美國的改革宗教會,所以,我們成為了好朋友,他跟我經歷了這教會的發展。

And the offering plate was filled with paper , usually it was a lot of coins . and for years it was the biggest record offering ever taken in the newkirk reformed church 以往奉獻袋內會放滿硬幣,但今天竟然放滿了紙幣,這次的奉獻數目是紐格克改革教會前所未有的。

Dr . carl jung , the great psychologist who happened to belong to the reformed church in switzerland , wrote a book called , “ modern man in search of a soul . 偉大的心理學家榮格博士,他也是瑞士改革宗教會的成員他寫了一本書,名為尋找靈魂的現代人。

He was talking to a woman who was very well known in our denomination , the reformed church in america . her name was tina holkeboer , from dutch descent 跟他交談的女士在我們教會很有名,她就是何嘉寶,荷蘭女子,是一位偉大的女宣教士。

Listen to me , now you know where i m coming from . then thanksgiving came and always in newkirk reformed church there was a big deal 你現在知道我是怎樣長大了,感恩節快到,對紐格克改革教會來說,這是個大節期。

The crystal cathedral is a member of a denomination called the reformed church in america . we are committed to that institution 這機構水晶大教堂,亦是一個宗派的成員,那就是美國改革宗教會。

A governing body of pastors and elders in certain reformed churches , having jurisdiction over local churches 長老監督會一些改革派教會的由牧師和長老組成的管理機構,有對地區教會的裁決權

Dutch reformed church 荷蘭歸正會

French reformed church 法國歸正教會

German reformed church 德國改革派教會

Alliance of the reformed churches 改革宗教會聯合會